Ideas for October

Ideas for October


  • Cut and bring in flower and seed heads for drying, to make winter arrangements. It is wonderful to have something from the garden in the house at any time. Poppy heads, thistles, helichrysum and fennel are just a few plants which are good for this.
  • Sow Garlic and Onions for next year’s crop. Check which varieties are suitable for October planting and get them in the ground.
  • Divide overly large clumps of herbaceous plants (once you have cut back the border). This will make planting less dense, and they can be used elsewhere in the garden.
  • The light is beautiful in Autumn, so take time to go out and enjoy the Autumn colours while the sun shines. Berries, like the ones on Callicarpa above are particularly good in the UK this year after the sun this summer.



See more October ideas here

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