Ideas for November

Ideas for November
  • A final mow of your lawn before winter might be in order. The recent warmer and wetter weather may have promoted some fresh growth.


  • If you are preparing pots to use in the home over winter (like Hyacinths or Paperwhites) you may want to rake some moss from the garden to make a decorative finish. Clean the moss of twigs, leaves and grass and lay over top of the soil. It makes a lovely natural addition to the pot design.


  • Why not plant fruit trees? If you have space and want to grow your own apples, pears, plums, etc, these are a great investment.


  • Check the heating in areas where you store tender plants in winter. Whether it is in the house, an outbuilding or garage, you want to make sure your plants are frost-free, but not getting dried out.


View more November ideas here

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