Ideas for June

Ideas for June


  • Prune shrubs which flower in late spring, such as Ribes and Philadelphus. Pruning after flowering means the plant will have time to develop new flowering stems for next year. See the RHS guidance here.

  • Pinch out side shoots on tomatoes. It may seem like letting the plant grow large and free is a good idea, but these side shoots, which sprout just above the junction of each leaf with the main stem, will only take energy away from fruit production.

  • Deadheading and weeding. This is the staple of the summer months. Start deadheading roses in particular to prolong their flowering season. 

  • “Chelsea chop/Hampton Haircut”. Whatever you want to call it, chopping back herbaceous perennials throughout May-July can boost performance. Consider cutting back either before flowering to make later flowers on sturdier stems, or after flowering to encourage a second burst of foliage and flowers.

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