Ideas for July

Ideas for July


  • Drought is setting in so think carefully about your watering. Watering everything in your garden could be expensive and wasteful. Lawns and long-established planting will survive a long time without water. Concentrate on newly planted trees and shrubs and prized specimens.
  • Cut back evergreens and hedging. This is the usual time of year to cut evergreens and beech hedges – some of which (like Yew) will only need one cut in a year. Be mindful of dry conditions. Pruning in drought may cause stress to plants such as box, and make the more susceptible to diseases. However others, such as Laurel, may benefit from a cut back as a smaller plant will need less water.
  • Enjoy your blooms: Experiment with different combinations of cut flowers, and foliage too.
  • Wear sun protection. is a campaign to remind gardeners of the serious risk of skin cancer from hours spent working out in the sun. SPF30 or above, applied regularly, is a must if you work outdoors.

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